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Saturday, May 08, 2004

Your thin end for today:

I know why Adam hasn't scoffed that tin of condensed milk in the pantry yet.

He can't find the bloody can opener, either.


Friday, May 07, 2004

Your thin end for today:

For those bored readers who followed the link on April 29th and DID pay close attention to the status bar...

Main Entry: ses-qui-pe-da-lian
Pronunciation: ses-kw&-p&-'dAl-y&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sesquipedalis, literally, a foot and a half long, from sesqui- + ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
1 : having many syllables : LONG (sesquipedalian terms)
2 : given to or characterized by the use of long words (a sesquipedalian television commentator).

Hands up who didn't even see it. Slackers.


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

  Relatively speaking 
Your thin end for today:

Is 8 years a long time? Or is 8 years a short time?

8 years =
· 8 birthdays
· 32 seasons
· 96 months
· 416 weeks
· 2,922 days
· 70128 hours
· 4,207,680 minutes
· 252,460,800 seconds.


I miss my Mum.

Happy Rat Poison Day.


Sunday, May 02, 2004

  Love hertz 
Your thin end for today:

We are becoming a society of movers and shakers. Yes, we are. Everything has to move to be good. Nature dictated the same thing, way back when the Earth was new. Every single thing has it's own vibration, it's own frequency. And no, I'm not talking about the physical problems sometimes associated with MS :-)

Now, apparently, all atoms in the universe have vibrational motion. Each periodic motion has a "frequency", ( the number of oscillations per second), measured in Hertz. In a nutshell, we all vibrate, baby;

A living, healthy cell oscillates at 27,000,000,000,000 Hz
DNA, within the cell, resonates at 8,540,000,000,000 Hertz
The vibrational frequencies of atoms in non living solids at normal temperatures are of the order of 1013 Hz.
Vibrational frequencies of blue light are of the order of 7.5X1014 Hz.
Red light has a vibrational frequency of 4.6X1014 Hz.

Read more about this shit at this location.

So everything is a'movin and a'shakin and we keep using vibration and frequency everyday in everything we do and we have all these everyday items that actually buzz and move to show what they are doing (just in case you missed it).

For those who like their buzz small, utilitarian and publicly acceptable to all ages, there is this;
what a buzz
The humble toothbrush gone high tech and upmarket and battery powered - one hell of a good way to make the mouth feel great AND get the kids to brush their teeth. Unless you are like me and don't actually like things buzzing in ya mouth.

Then there are those who like a more personal and potentially pleasurable aspect to their daily vibe...
Bob the Builder
Maybe not something you leave lying around the bathroom with dinner guests coming, well not unless they are that very "special" kind of guest! It's gotta be a whole different kind of buzz.

Tip - don't practice giving head with one of these, I don't think it works like a toothbrush.

Then there are the big ones for that all-over feeling of good health like this...

Damn, but these things can really get you moving again when you are all achy and sore (Billy Ray Cyrus should have used one for his heart). You would have to be very brave or very stupid to confuse this with the "Buzzy Bob" above it, but if you should happen to do so please make sure to email me the pictures, or ask your attending healthcare professional to do it for you. Please include specific mention of the head attachment in use at the time of the injury.

Whatever happened to the simple things in life like a twig, a dick and a whip?

Oh well, two out of three ain't bad, just ask Meatloaf.

~~ "In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum" - U2 ~~


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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