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Friday, May 14, 2004

Your thin end for today:

Adam appears to be making some strange, masculine statement about growing up. I have just returned from a short sojourn in the Little Girls' Room where I discovered what appears to the beginning of a dirty, disgusting and abominable habit - the raising of the toilet seat. Now, I'm not stupid, ok? I know that raising the toilet seat, in itself, is not really a crime punishable by strangulation. No, it's the LEAVING UP of the toilet seat that incurs the wrath of Mum, and most sane thinking women as well.

What the hell does he think I taught him how to aim for? I know, it's all Colin's fault cos he doesn't know how to put it down, either. Even when he promises he will. Really not a good role model for an impressionable young man. You might have to tell them the right way a million times, but you only gotta show them the wrong way once.

I'm going to nail the bastard down. That'll teach him to attempt to become an adult while I'm asleep.

There was something else I was going to say and now I've forgotten...

~~ Nagging is the repetition of painful truths ~~


Thursday, May 13, 2004

  Old fashioned 
Your thin end for today:

This pic here lives on my bedroom wall. For the first 19 years of my life it hung on my Nana's lounge wall. Above the TV and to the right. Or was it the left... anyway

It is an original oil on wood - a turned wooden plate with a beveled frame edge around it.

I think it could be one of my Grandfather's paintings although it doesn't look like any of his other ones. Besides, he always signed his and this has no nuttin on it. I will have to ask Raewyn about it, she might know.

I was thinking last night... yeah, I know, I was supposed to give that up huh. Anyway, last night I was thinking how we are all historians. We are creating and recording and reviewing our lives as we live them. And that makes history a very subjective thing, doesn't it?

I reckon it's kind of cool, though. Desirable diversity and all that.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

  Killing the messenger 
Your thin end for today:

Barbarity and atrocity are not simply facets of the past. They are facets of man.

Today in the news we have seen video footage and journalists accounts of an act of atrocity committed by Muslim fighters against a US National. It wasn't a pretty sight, not at all. Granny Herald reports it thus.

Not really a lot of difference between the US/Britain and Iraq now, and the Knights of Christendom crusading against the Infidel nearly a thousand years ago. They still have sand. They still have desert. They still have disease and injury and danger.

And, they are still killing each other in barbaric ways for specious, sophistic reasons.

Western civilisation has given women a freedom that their counterparts in Arab countries have never known - the freedom to possess themselves and not be the chattel of some man, be it uncle, father, brother or husband. But the thing that these same women have in common is far deeper than mere cultural and religious indoctrination; it is the tenet of Life itself. No matter the colour, religion, race or creed, mothers will kill for and die for their children. Women don't generally wage war for fun, they don't posture and swagger to see who can actually piss highest over the fence and they don't kill unless roused to action. Women generally find a way over or around a barrier - men just blow the fuck out of it.

A thousand years ago when the flower of European chivalry and manhood was marching off to the Holy Lands to fight the Turks, to eradicate the Infidel. Their women stayed at home, not knowing for perhaps months or years whether their liege lord lived or died; whether they were a wife or a widow. At risk of the attention of wandering trouble-makers and landed lords wanting to capitalise on the absence of the man of the house to increase their own wealth, these woman learnt to fight and learnt to survive.

And they, too, learnt to kill.

If women ruled the world, there wouldn't be any more wars - everything would be solved by either a smack on the bum, time out in their room, no TV for a week or witholding of sex.

Those of you into bondage and other assorted games of pain and degradation might like to see what the originators of the chastity belt actually designed.

One for women to wear to stop them straying and deriving sexual satisfaction while the Man was away -

and one for the men to stop them dipping their wick in the wrong honeypot -

Bugger that...

Barbarism begins at home, you know. Let's not even start on female circumcision...


Monday, May 10, 2004

  In my mail today... 
Your thin end for today:

Here is all you ever need to know about picking your partner by their sexual horoscope. Good luck, I think you might need it!

Virgo (August 24-September 23)
A true horror in the sexual zodiac, Virgos are the only people who can become prostitutes and still claim to be virgins. A Virgo tends toward a practical and realistic attitude towards sex, so this little pun is not at all far-fetched.

A Virgo will, for instance, ask $50 for a blowjob, $75 if you cum in his/her mouth, or $20 a minute, whichever "comes" first. People born under this sign can be witty, articulate, charming, and 'lives of the party', but they usually fuck it up by hiding their emotions.

Virgos are the kind of people who put sanitized toilet seat covers down on a clean motel john. They are the kind of people who insist on using the unopened tube of K-Y. If the condom isn't vacuum-sealed, they won't go near it. And complete showers, if not disinfected baths, are required both before and after. And if you even touch a Virgos asshole, kiss your tryst goodbye.

Famous people born under this sign include Leo Tolstoy, Walter Reed, H.G.Wells, Upron Sinclair, Cliff Robertson, Sean Connery, Kitty Carlisle, Lauren Becall, Greta Garbo, Raquel Welch.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

These people are earthy, natural, and have a direct approach to the opposite sex which can only be called tactless. The typical Taurus pickup line is "wanna fuck?" The typical Taurus comeback to that line is "no, thanks, I already have one asshole in my pants."

But once a Taurus has his mind made up, there's no stopping him. He'll rent a $200-a-night hotel room, and a $500-a-night whore, and pretend he is having fun. At least half of Mastercard's business is done with Tauruses.

A Taurus doesn't do anything unless there's something to show for it. Walk into even the most modest Taurus's home, and you'll see at least a whole wall of trophies. Never mind that they are for "Most Improved Bowler" or "Third Place, Rhubarb Pies" or "Fastest Sheep Catcher in Texas." It's the trophy that counts.

Tauruses tend toward all kinds of excesses. Food, booze, sex. In all cases, the Taurus person will bite off more than he can chew. Impotence is a regular feature of a Taurus's alleged love life.

Famous Taurus people include Barbara Streisand, Margot Fonteyn, Sandra Dee, Ella Fitzgerald, Irving Berlin, Johannes Brahms, Sigmund Freud, Sandy Dennis.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Scorpio's are the most highly sexed of all the signs of the zodiac. Dynamic, passionate & aggressive, a Scorpio's first date with someone normally ends in rape. The back seat is where he/she makes his/her moves. The trunk is where he/she keeps your EX...and his/her "toys". Because of their obnoxious behavior, Scorpio's are often challenged to duels. Their choice of weapons is usually a tactical nuclear device at 30 paces.

Scorpio's are prone to excesses: booze, drugs, sex, bad puns, etc. They usually exploit the weaknesses of others, who fall victim to their capacity for total lust & sexual abberation. In youth, Scorpio's hide in locker rooms of the opposite sex, waiting for just one person to remain. In adulthood, they hide in dark alleys. And in old age, they hang around playgrounds with bags of candy.

Charles Manson is a Scorpio.

Other famous Scorpio's include Richard Burton, Dick Cavett, Will Rogers, Son of Sam, the Hillside Strangler, the Boston Strangler, the Heimlich Manuever Strangler, Teddy Roosevelt, Billy Graham, Katherine Hepburn, & about 1/12th of the rest of the human race.

Scorpio's posess great intellectual curiosity & creative talent. They think they are rebels & are arrogant, proud, conceited, and worth every penny of it. Despite all these shortcomings, they make loyal & devoted marriage partners, at least for the first 5 minutes. After that, it just depends on what catches their eye. Scorpio's always want what they can't have, and generally manage to get it...sometimes legally.

Scorpio's are held in awe by their enemies & are admired passionately by their friends...both of them. And Scorpio's return that loyalty... until someone says "Good Morning" to them in a funny tone of voice.

Scorpio's fear nothing. Most Scorpio's are murdered in their beds.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Their positive, optimistic enthusiasm for life makes these people fucking disgusting. They are a delight to be with, the life of the party, and are never a burden to their friends, letting the woes of life roll off of them. Pretty nauseating.

A good sense of humor, warmth, romance and being a good fuck are also attributes of the Sag. So with all this going for them, what ever could they do wrong? Well, sad but true, the Sagittarius person is a great one-night stand, but a lousy spouse. They get married, and married, and married, and never get carried away.

They dislike being tied down, and hate to even talk about it. A single Sagittarius is charming, but a married one is an obnoxious flirt who would sell his/her spouse for a roll in the hay with a new young stag/broad. And it often works out that way.

Sags also have a great temper. A Sagittarius couple is about as amusing a thought as marrying a Jewish American Princess to the leader of the PLO.

Famous Sagittarians include John Milton, Heinrich Heine, Martin Van Buren, Fiorello La Guardia, Jane Fonda, Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, Joe Dimaggio, Noel Coward, Louisa May Alcott, Lee Remick, Mary Martin, Andy Williams and Me.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

These wishy-washy nerds are the most sexually inept of all the signs. Pisces can't get it up, and Pisces women have pussies that are as wet and wide as the Mississippi. They often marry each other, which shows what nerds they really are. And of course they deserve each other. And it keeps the world fun for the rest of us.

The constellation under which they are born is sometimes called the "armpit of the zodiac", and it seems to rub off. There isn't enough Old Spice in the universe to solve this problem.

There isn't really much more to say about Pisces people. Except that creativity is often achieved through deprivation, and as a result, some of the most expressive artists were born Pisceans.

Some famous people born under this sign include Henrik Ibsen, Andrew Jackson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Anais Nin, Elizabeth Taylor, Ursula Andress, Renoir, Chopin, Handel, Rudolf Nureyev, Jerry Lewis, David Niven, Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash (They DO deserve each other!), Luther Burbank, Henry W. Longfellow, Jackie Gleason, Lawrence Welk, Dinah Shore, Enrico Caruso.

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Libras are anal retentives whose sole purpose in life is to be right all the time. They respond to admiration, praise and flattery, but only for a couple of seconds at a time.

Libras love living in style, especially if they cannot afford it. Show me a bitch who won't fuck until she's had jewelry, candlelight dinners in expensive restaurants & satin sheets, and I'll show you a loose Libra. To them, sex is something animals do. Of course that may be why they lead their spouses around on a leash.

Hobbies Libras love include interior decoration (when someone else is paying for it), fashion, needlework (including voodoo), listening to art shows, and watching concerts. Opera fans are almost always Libras.

These people will do almost anything for peace and harmony. The way to drive a Libra ape-shit is to say "fuck me or I'll play loud punk rock music." Along those lines, Libras make the best hostages. Unfortunately, many of them also become cops. Nightsticks make a well-behaved lover.

Famous Libras include Friedrich Nietzsche, Eugene O'Neill, Brigitte Bardot (No? Really?), Julie Andrews, Angie Dickinson, Angela Lansbury, Charleston Heston, and Helen Hayes.

Leo (July 24-August 23)

With great personal charm and animal magnetism, Leos don't have to be good-looking to get some nookie. Leos are also romantic, which helps a lot in the free fuck department.
However, all this charm is superficial, and though Leos make great one-night stands, they usually flop as spouses.

An example might be of the Leo couple who wind up in a candle-lit honeymoon suite, and she enters the bedroom in a classy lace nightie, and he slowly removes it, and kisses her all over. But when they get into bed, all they can do is talk about how wonderful and romantic they make each other feel. She's frigid and he can't get it up.

But on the brighter side, a Leo is a wonderful confidant, someone you can tell anything to. A good shoulder to cry on. On the other hand, a Leo tends to let conceit and vanity get in the way. They make great sales-people -- they can sell fishnet stockings to a quadraplegiac.

Leos, however, are themselves very trusting and generous. The phrases "The check is in the mail", "I love you", and "I won't cum in your mouth" are all on the Top 10 Phrases to save for Leos.

Famous Leos include Peter O'Toole, Lucille Ball, Herman Melville, George Bernard Shaw, Cecil B DeMille and Claude Debussy.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Gemini are shizophrenic, unpredictable, incongruous and an enigma. Though they will usually tell you one thing, and then go do something absolutely different, they are not being two-faced. When Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," he was probably looking at a gaggle of Gemini.

This means, of course, that most Gemini are gay. Gemini homes always have closets, but it is often difficult to tell if they are coming in, or coming out of them. Or both. Two Gemini men are walking down the street. The foxiest lady on earth walks by, and one of them sighs. The other turns to him and says "Brucie! Shame on you! What was that all about?!!" And Brucie answers, "Oh, Ferdinand, she was so fabulous! And for the first time in my life I wished I was a lesbian!"

Gemini also love to "chase someone till they're caught." Women, especially, love to pricktease, and then when the guy falls all over them drooling, she'll *forget* she was ever remotely interested. Bitch.

However, Geminis tend to be very naive and gullible, so they are easily taken advantage of, especially by children. Most Gemini parents think that the new kid's fad is to sniff powder sugar. Geminis' children buy lots of insulin syringes for diabetic aunts, even when neither of their parents have sisters.

Famous people born under this sign include Marilyn Monroe, Joan Collins, Bob Hope, Tony Curtis, John Wayne, Pat Boone, Lord Larry Olivier, Queen Victoria, Brigham Young.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

Class. That's what Capricorns have. Not much sensuality, hardly ever fun to be with, but lots of class. They tend to look taller than they really are, and, speaking of which, Capricorn men always seem to have 10 inches, even if they really only have 3.

Of course, most of it is facade, and deep down inside they are really conservative, tight-assed cowards...with class. These are the true snots of the world. But they make good supportive wives....especially the men.

Often self-conscious, and overly concerned with what other people think of them, Capricorns can be a real pain. They are much more interested in appearances than any other sign. But if you cross them, they don't get angry, they don't get even. They just turn their internal thermostat down about 100 degrees when they see you. Women who marry a Capricorn, and flirt, end up with a pussy full of cocksicle.

Most horoscopes claim that Capricorns can be the most passionate lovers in the Zodiac when they lose their inhibitions, but since they rarely touch drugs, this almost never happens.

Famous Capricorns are Louis Pasteur, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Isaac Newton, Henry Miller, Rudyard Kipling, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, Mary Tyler Moore, Danny Kaye, Cary Grant, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)

This sign produces the greatest mothers of all the zodiac. Cancers live for their homes and families. While the spouse is in a motel room with the secretary, the Cancer is sitting at home, telling the kids how wonderful it is that dad stays late at the office to earn more bread for the family home. Cancers get married. And fucked. And married. And fucked. And married. But who's counting?

Cancers are pretty dull lovers. Foreplay to a Cancer man involoves a kiss on the cheek. Ask a Cancer woman what foreplay is, and she'll say "something they shout on a golf course before they throw out the first ball." The phrase "wham, bam, thank you, mam" was invented to describe a Cancer's honeymoon.

While they are pretty damned dull to others, Cancers have a good time, because they live in a dream world. Walter Mitty was probably a Cancer.

Other famous people born under this sign are Ernest Hemingway, Mary Baker Eddy, John Quincy Adams, Ginger Rogers, Olivia De Havilland, Natalie Wood, Yul Brynner and Red Skelton.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Aries people are dynamic, quick, original, energetic, innovative leaders who are downright disgusting to be around. These are the first people bought joggers, and actually jogged in them. They are the people who read the text in sex manuals. And try to follow it by the numbers.

Aries are honest and direct, and quick to find a motel room when the boss's wife is horny. This is the guy who gets the woman into the bedroom with a promise of 10 inches and 3 times, and turns out to have 3 inches, but does it 10 times.

The Aries affair usually gets pretty kinky, because with that limber body and great stamina, they get bored with "the same old thing" every night. From woman-on-top to shetland-pony-on-top is not a long leap for an Aries.

Famous people in the Aries birthright include: Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Johan Sebastian Bach, Doris Day, Marlon Brando, Omar Sharif, Peter Ustinov, Harry Houdini and Debbie Reynolds.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

Charming, exciting, completely unpredictable and among the most original, inventive and complex people in the zodiac, Aquarians fuck like rabbits. The Kama Sutra was probably first used as an elementary school coloring book for Aquarius kids.

Though they are intuitive dreamers, they also have a sharp analytical perception. Thus, they can dream of a new sexual position and immediately know if it is a physical possibility. Advances in civilization, science, and new inventions are a special interest to this sign. Most sex aids were invented by Aquarians.

Generous to a fault, it was an Aquarius who invented the "pity fuck." Someone having a rough time? Well, fuck 'em! Literally! It'll cheer him up, at least. Of course, when an Aquarius screws you, you may walk bowlegged for months. It depends on how many positions, "toys" and hours the session lasts.

On the dark side, an Aquarius is a free spirit who doesn't give a shit for other people's opinions. At times they are careless, slovenly and absent-minded. Even odoriferous. People of this sign are the most likely to have fleas, lice, herpes and VD. And pass them on.

Famous Aqaurians include: Vanessa Redgrave, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and her sister Eva, Kim Novak, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, John Barrymore, Cahrles Dickens, Thomas Edison, Lewis Carroll and Robert Burns.

Thank you to "Critter" for sharing this with us all. I think.


Sunday, May 09, 2004

  Paint me a rainbow 
Your thin end for today:

"But in her web she still delights
To weave the mirror's magic sights,
For often thro' the silent nights
A funeral, with plumes and lights
And music, went to Camelot:
Or when the moon was overhead,
Came two young lovers lately wed:
'I am half sick of shadows,' said
The Lady of Shalott

Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809 - 1892) wrote this classic four-part elegy supposedly about Elaine, Fair Maid of Astolat who has been the basis of many works of poetry, fiction and art.

In this poem (original version, 1833; revised version, 1842), she is cursed to never look out her window. She is allowed to view the world only by looking into her mirror. She spends her days weaving the images she sees in her mirror, her "shadows of the world". One day, the handsome Lancelot passes by the window, and she forgets the curse and looks out her window to try and catch a glimpse of him. Her mirror cracks, and the curse is upon her. The Lady of Shalott goes down to the river, finds a boat, unties it and lays down. Her blood freezes and she dies. Her boat floats towards Camelot, and people come out to see this sight. In the crowd is Lancelot, and he looks down at her and says, "She has a lovely face: God in his mercy lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott".

One of those captivated by the poem was John William Waterhouse truly a painter of great skill and emotion.

This is one of my most favourite paintings, rating above many Constable ones for me (and they don't come much finer than John Constable).

Shari has a framed print of this on her lounge wall and I have a copy rolled up somewhere in my wardrobe, awaiting the day when it gets to hang on my wall. I got a few pictures put away like that - I seriously gotta marry a picture-framer next time. Better still, marry someone rich enough to buy me the originals. There are at least half a dozen other Waterhouse pieces I want, too.

Those were the days, when Chivalry was everything and Knights all had shining white horses, or something...

I, too, am sick of shadows.

~~ "Once a King, Always a King, But once a Knight's enough." ~~


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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