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Saturday, August 14, 2004

  Succour me 
Your thin end for today:

I have come up against a whole new concept today - Emotional Vampires.

It's really "out there".

Basically, emotional vampires suck the energy out of everyone they meet. They are narcissistic (fuck, did I really spell that right?) and showy, greedy and callous, perceptive, manipulative and inclined toward retribution.

You can see some other definitions here and here and this one put me to sleep.

Well, at least I know now why I thought Lestat was sooooo yummy (it's that suit thing happening all over again), and why Black isn't just for day wear :-)

Today's prophesy - Never chase after prey that is trying to distance itself from you. Ever. Only feed from people who are eager and willing. It's not just ethics - it's good common sense.
Emotional Vampires


Friday, August 13, 2004

  You want cheese to go with that whine? 
Your thin end for today:

Jeez I hate Friday the 13th.

No, seriously, I'll spill salt and not care, I'll walk under a ladder and not even notice, I'll break a mirror and think only of the cost of replacing it, but Friday the 13th really shits me.

I've often had a bad day on those dates - even when I had no blardy idea what the date even was.

Today was no exception.

Heather raced off to school this morning without her keys. I had to get dressed and drive into school to drop them off. Then the oldies ran out of petrol at lunchtime, so I took the petrol can and went off on a rescue mission. Then Ads comes home from school, spits the dummy, beats up H, swears and curses at me and finally gets around to telling me that some little bastard hit him in the head at school and now he feels really ill. Off to the doc, and 2 hours and $25 later we get home in the rain and the dark, one boy needing dinner and a good night's sleep (not necessarily in that order) and one shagged out and pissed off Mum who hasn't had the best of days. Then I notice I'm running low on pain relief, and finally my amp stops amp-ing and makes not a squeak of sound.

I think it's time to ban having a 13 on a Friday, we can just skip the whole number thing and carry on with 14.

There, that solves that problem, doesn't it :-)

I didn't like the movies, either.

Today's prophesy - Come back tomorrow - better news then.

(Cartoons heavily borrowed from Chris Kemp


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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