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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Your thin end for today:

My chemo stopped working a month ago. Bugger.

So this week I have stopped taking my rat poison. The methotrexate has been discontinued with consenting medical counsel.

I am quite pleased about this. Certainly more pleased about this than I am in what I have to take next. Yes, folks, it's either a return to the Imuran chemo of last year (may the bile of a thousand dinners repeat upon your gullet) or have no treatment at all.

I chose the chemo :-(

But the upside is, I get to have a month off all chemo to let my system settle down a bit and that means I have 4 weeks without medication for the new Witch Doctor Debs found to pour his energy into me. He is really rather good. She found him a few months ago and insisted I go see him. She said she reckoned we would get on really well - cos he used to be a vet, you know... ha! and you think I'M a bitch??? :-D

Anyway, this guy is wayyyy out there and rather cool. His massage table is more comfy than Debs, too. And it's got a nice heating pad on it. Anyway, I saw him again the other day and today I am a box of small fluffies (make that quackers) and walking really well (for me anyway). Which is just as well cos Heather has decided she wants to join the Army Cadets and I had to take her to the induction evening tonight.

So off we trotted and I had to stand around for a long time and walked a bit too far and my legs sort of started packing up, and then this lovely blonde hunka hunka burning lurrve walked in wearing his nice blue Squadron Leader uniform and they went all weak at the knees.

**deep sigh**

Wayyyyyyy back at the end of last year, in the last blog I talked about being a terrible suit and leather slut. Well a uniform is only a suit... innit.

Damn shame that when I saw Phyllis the Psychic a while back she reckoned I would be swept off my feet by a man who drove a furniture truck. Somehow I don't quite think the Squadron Leader moonlights as a delivery man.

Now, back to those uniforms, just imagine a nice, tight-fitting leather one...



Tuesday, July 27, 2004

  Name the Fame 
Your thin end for today:

Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra made women the world over weep in romantic ecstacy when she finally met her man at the top of the Empire State Building in 1993. Joyce Frankenberg spent years as a heap big prairie medicine woman. Charles Westover was a runaway in 1966 and Annie Mae Bullock found that Nutbush had no limits. Marion Michael Morrison was the epitome of the strong, silent cowboy while Jerome Silberman was just a silly willy wonka.

What do all these people have in common apart from all having found some sort of fame? The answer is, of course, that none of them thought they would find fame with the name they were given at birth.

I mean, what were their parents thinking?

If you didn't figure out the who they are, just turn your monitor upside down and read them below and if you want to read more of them, click here.

OK, hands up who started to turn their monitor over...



OK, which one of you clowns emailed me and said you DID turn your monitor upside down and my whole site looked a lot better after that?

Today's prophesy - U LOL

I have absolutely no idea where wee Randy here came from, suffice to say I found him out surfing one day and  liberated him from his Island of Solitude. He was laid to rest on a bed of Basmati rice, covered with orange sauce with just a hint of coconut. Roast in Peace, Randy. - Um, you can stop tickling now...
(Tickle Randy's feet with your mouse while you read of his sad demise.)


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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