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Friday, September 10, 2004

  A fundamental Truth 
Your thin end for today:

"Real faith is beyond hope. Hope means there is a chance things may turn out as you wish, and if you are lucky you may get what you want. Inner knowing, on the other hand, proceeds from the awareness that love is present, all is well, and you can have whatever you choose."
Alan Cohen via kajama.com

Today's prophesy - you are kidding, right?


Thursday, September 09, 2004

  Just being neighbourly 
Your thin end for today:

I had this weird sensation tonight. Truly, I did.

I realised that it was 8.30 on a Thursday night and I was cruising The Strand with my 13 year old daughter, listening to Eminem (rather loudly) after picking her up from the police station.


At least she wasn't put in a cell this time. But one of the Army Cadets that she went to the Cop shop with WAS on a wanted poster on the wall.

Nice to see our Armed Forces recruiting such a good standard of troops.

Today's prophesy - If your neighbour is a wanker, ask him to pull the curtains. Complete strangers will thank you for it.


Monday, September 06, 2004

  Catch up 
Your thin end for today:

The Bay of Plenty Steamers were outplayed by the Cantabs in the closing minutes of the Ranfurly Shield game yesterday and the Log went home to Canterbury.

Ho hum, a valid, if short lived moment of Glory for the Bay.

Nushie's "baby" Sam played tag with a moving vehicle and lost last weekend and is buried in Gwen's garden. Nushie is a wee lost soul without her baby. Such feline beauty, snuffed out too soon. RIP Sam.

Today's prophesy - Last year was better.


Sunday, September 05, 2004

Your thin end for today:

We took a very domesticated Matey home yesterday and retrieved a very stinky Nushie from the gourmet delights of scattered possum pieces - and geez, she didn't half pong. When we got home, I threw her in the shower and got in with her to scrub her all over with shampoo to make her look and smell halfway like a house dog again. On the way up there, Heather had Matey lying in her lap as we drove, reading him Jabberwocky from her Alice book that is a permanent fixture in the Naffmobile lately. He seemed to be enjoying it.

I have to say, though... the story did nothing to alleviate the sometimes screaming pain I have had in my head for most of the past 6 days. Pills haven't made it go away. Sleeping hasn't made it go away. Even the Witchdoctor couldn't make it go away. So tonight, in desperation, I have restarted my chemo, the nasty one Azathioprine and see if that can get the pain under control, rather than take the heavy duty painkillers and sleeping tablets 24/7 and be a bombed out blubbering mess. Sort of like I am anyway, hmmm?

Christ, there has to be something that will make it go away, doesn't there? It feels like there is one of these buggers (below) hammering to get out - and its a bloody tight squeeze inside, too.

Damn, there's 17 POUNDS of wabbit there, that's one BIG pot of stew, right?


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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