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Friday, August 27, 2004

  al denté 
Your thin end for today:

Looking for ideas for tomorrow's dinner?

Soft, yet hard at the same time... just the way I like it.

Today's prophesy - your penis is too small & your girlfriend is unhappy. Have YOU met Jennifer the Wild Girl?


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

  Wodger the Wapist 
Your thin end for today:

Who loves pussy? Matey loves pussy. This is Matey (aka Shimao My Mate).

Isn't he adorable? He's a big soppy, cuddly, mushy drip. He also has a disturbing predilection for attempting to rape my cats. Matey is visiting the Adams Home for Animals Not Getting a Bonk whilst Nushie is up the farm doing the doggy wild thing with the Ozzie import shar pei boy, Boof. Seriously, Boof by name and Boof by nature - a typical Austruckinfalian; all dick, balls and no brains. Nushie is such a shallow bitch.

We aren't used to visitors that not only want to practice homosexuality but cross species coupling as well. Neither are Merlin and Sam; in fact Merlin is utterly disgusted. This is Merlin - he always looks shitty even when he is happy.

He is one dude you seriously don't fuck with. Ever.

You get that on the big jobs. Speaking of big jobs, check out number 8.

Today's prophesy - You too can believe in Unicorns, Good Men and other Mythical Beasts.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

  An old banger 
Your thin end for today:

I didn't have a very good day today.

An 80 year old woman backed into my Naffmobile in town. She is broke (the Naffmobile, not the 80 year old). She has creases where no creases were intended to be (the Naffmobile AND the 80 year old woman); she has white paint on dark blue paint and dark blue paint off grey primer. She has a fucking big crater the full length of the rear guard. I think there is some bare metal there, too.

I mention the age of this woman in question several times simply because several times it was offered to me as an excuse for not using her fucking mirrors.

Ho hum. I hope they shoot me.

I saw the Witch Doctor today. It was a pleasant, if shorter than usual consultation simply because I am getting better :-) No shit, my nasty energy is all gone and my good energy is flowing beautifully. My protestations of mishandling were of the nature of a whimper, rather than a bellow of explicit expletives delivered with great intent.

I think those are the times he is glad I am face down and can't kick.

Anyway, I showed him my new pendulum (yes, I bought another one); a beautiful conical pointed shaft of amethyst suspended on a gold chain. A veritable pulsating palette of purple. I bought it at the Mount last weekend when I begged Murray to come out for afternoon tea and a wander around the gem shops and we ended up on the other side of the Bridge avoiding traffic headed to the Steamers Ranfurly Shield defence game (yes, we kicked the Mooloo's collective ass, but I don't think it will happen next time hehe). Anyway, I got this awesome pendy, we had a neat afternoon wandering around and soaking up what passes for atmosphere in Bayfair on a Sunday arvo when the rugby is on. It was lots of fun.

So, anyway (am I boring you yet? Good-O.), I showed it to the Witch Doctor and he said it was a good one. I have had the kids giving Pendy directions and practicing movements and simple questions a couple of times and now will let them have one each to practice on. Adam is really good.

I wonder what year they first burnt me at the Stake?

Tomorrow I will tell you about the cat raping arse bandit staying in our house.

Today's prophesy - God is Coming and is she ever pissed!


Some text included in this site has been liberated at (and from) great peril from the internet.
Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi.
I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel, hence that pretty little copyright symbol twisting gently just below. Thank you very much :-)

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